Bold Predictions

I have always liked the expert’s bold predictions. It is really a win/win. If you get it right….Amazing! If you get it wrong….well it was bold. So I am going to stick to very bold predictions, and own them if I am wrong. So are you ready for my first one?

Alright, I admit when I am wrong. Dak Prescott pulled a gun on the Cowboys and rode off in the sunset with Jerry Jones’s money. Good on ya. So my next bold prediction also involves a quarterback. Mr. Deshaun Watson. I do not think that he plays on an NFL team this year. I hope he does, to be honest. I hope the allegations are just people pilling up to get some of his money. However, it doesn’t have to be true for people to believe it. If he put himself in that position that many times…..hard to argue.

There are several reasons why I believe he will not play this year. One-he said that he will not play for the Texans, and they have said they will not trade him. Two- He is very likely looking at a suspension, pending investigation. Three- I think he has become the poisoned apple to teams that wanted to trade for him. I really hope that he does not go the route of Johnny Manziel or other quarterbacks that fell out of favor in the NFL. He has proven his skill, he has proven his leadership, he is now clearly going to prove his ability to overcome public opinion.


Author: Cooper